Friday, October 13, 2006


Hello all, an interesting day yesterday (Thursday), the flight out of New York was on time, but half way there they told us that we had been put into a holding pattern as things were delayed into Chicago, so they sent us out into Indianna to fly in circles for a while until we could land.

It was freezing (literally) in Chicago which was interesting as I just had a T shirt and a jumper. The flight out of Chicago was delayed by 2 hours, which was good so I didn't miss my connection to Tennessee, but I did arrive 2 hours late so Don, Cathryn and Ben had a nice wait in Knoxville (again).

Rogersville is in for a big weekend, it is Heritage days this weekend, street parades and markets etc, they are forecasting 67 in the day and freezing at nights, bbbrrrr, I had asked if I would need thermals before I came and they told me "no", it will be nice weather....they lied.

Overnight Buffalo had lots of snow and everything is shut down, it is a state of emergency, I am due there Wednesday, so they better get themselves sorted out by then....Please...


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