Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm Back

Well here I sit in Union Square New York on a sunny Sunday afternoon, so knackered as I have not had any sleep since Friday night, oh well maybe tonight.

My plane from Brisbane to Sydney was delayed by about 30 minutes then when we landed in Sydney we had to taxi for about 20 minutes, so I arrived at Customs 30 minutes before my flight time to be at the back of a line of about 400 people (a guess, I didn't actually count them), so I did what anyone would do and skipped to the front of the line, and got on the plane as they were making the final boarding call, and by that time I was of course crapping my daks...

Qantas is heaps better than United, the plane was quite empty so got a couple of seats, but did not sleep a wink, did see one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, go and see it "Kenny", toilet humour, very funny. So landed in LA and waited a while then flew to New York on a Qantas domestic flight in Jumbo, very single person on the plane had their shades shut and slept the whole way. Arrived into New York, (late) at 8pm, got to my Hotel (very loose use of the word and slept .

I Met up with Goran and we spent the day wandering with some friends of his, they went out to dinner and I met up with them later at a North African bar with Serbian staff for a drink, and then I couldn't sleep so just layed there all night and got up at 6.30am.

Where I am staying the rooms are smaller than a goal (jail) cell, (I'm not joking), and you can hear the person in the next room breathe, but for $36 a night in Central New York, what can I expect, it is clean and in a great location in the Bowery District.

I have been up to Times Square this morning and think I will walk over the Brooklyn Bridge after lunch, it was freezing Friday but is a sunny day about 21c today.

It is great not having to be a power tourist, I am going to go inside some things this time, which will be better tommorow after some sleep I hope, I may ask the person in the next room not to breathe tonight.


1 comment:

chrisw64 said...

I have, I have, and I will see another one tommorow..