Thursday, October 12, 2006


Took the Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island (funny that) for a quick look then went to the American Financial History Museum then on to The Skyscraper Museum (amazing, mostly about the building of the World Trade Centre), did you know that the cranes used in the construction were imported from Australia and had never been used in the USA before. Then went and saw the "Bodies Exhibition", revolting I should have gone before lunch, very interesting but ...they are real bodies.

I then went to The Ground Zero Museum Workshop, which was next to The Heller Gallery (very well known), it has been set up by the only photographer who was allowed into Ground Zero, amazing, they have some small pieces of glass from the windows, the glass at the top was 3 inches thick, also some marble from the foyer and other artifacts, did you know that the force of the collapse forced stuff 100 feet below street level and that fires burnt for 3 months down there, the reason that 1200 families got no remains at all was that the fires burnt so hot for so long that it burnt all DNA from the bones. A moving experience, you can't just go there you have to make booking, I was luck enough to meet the photographer, a nice bloke with a lifetime of stories to tell. The Museum was all done very tastefully in consultation with families and officials, worth a look next time you are here.

Then back to the deluxe accommodations and then to another movie.


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