Saturday, October 21, 2006

Buffalo & Boston

Well it was an early start, up at 3am to get to the airport in time to catch the plane from Chicago to Buffalo, I arrived in Buffalo and checked into the hostel, then headed out to Niagara Falls, it was raining (again) and there was still a little bit of snow around, the place is deserted and nearly everything was closed up, I was able to do a tour which was great, but caused me to miss my bus back to Buffalo, so I ended up waiting at the bus stop in the rain for about an hour or so. I finally got back to the hostel at around 11pm, and had some 2 minute noodles (they are actually 3 minute noodles here), then went to bed, set my alarm for 6am for a 7.15am pickup to the airport for a 9am flight.

I woke up at 7.09am and shat myself, made it to the pickup 1 minute late and missed the pickup, so got a taxi and luckily this all happened in Buffalo, it is the quietest city I have ever been in, and I ended up still being early for my flight to Boston.

Arrived in Boston and checked in to the hostel, this one is not inner city, but in the burbs, bu easy to get to by subway and a short bus trip, it is still raining, I headed into downtown Boston and took a tour on an old Army Duck (1942), both on the roads and in the Charles River.

I am hoping it stops raining so I can actually see something.

I have bought a ticket to the Ice Hockey for tommorow night, Boston v Buffalo, I am only 4 rows back so hopefully may get splashed with some blood, or catch some teeth. (this is what a couple of Canadian guys told me, they have come 16 hours on a bus to see the game).

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