Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Went to Grant park and Millenium Park for a look then on to wander the city, quite a lot of really good public art, saw the Old Water Tower, and went up to 94st floor of the second tallest building here, going to go to the tallest one tommorow(Sears Tower), went to the Museum of Contemporary Art (Tuesday is free day), then on to the NBC Studios, I was hoping to be able to go to a Gerry Springer taping, but that is Thursdays & Fridays, then went on to the Navy Pier to have a look.

I am off to see Altar Boys a musical spoof tonight (love half price tickets). ps, it was ok only, some people seemed to think it was great and started giving a standing ovation, they must have been on drugs as it really was only ok. plebs

The weather cleared up enough today that it was overcast but still a nice day..


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